Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Beginning Anew

I've obviously not done anything with this blog for just shy of a year and while I don't feel particularly bad about that I am occasionally prone to a slight feeling of uneasiness about it. I think I'm not inclined for blog-writing; but I enjoy reading the blogs of the people I know because I feel closer to them and because they tend to wield language well, which I admire.

So: in an effort to genuinely attempt giving something close to a mediocre level of attention to my blog, I am going to try writing here again. Partially because I enjoy writing and feel that, given the chance, I could issue my own humble contribution to the literary works of cyber-space, and partially because I think I might find satisfaction in collecting and sorting my thoughts through this outlet. I am still a bit undecided about this medium... I feel self-conscious here, and why publish my thoughts to the world anyway? They are mine, after all... Nonetheless, I'm beginning anew.

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