Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Saltines, peanut butter and raisins

I have a mild bout of the flu. The normal, seasonal, non-life-threatening variety. It's kind of thrown a monkey-wrench into my life though because I'm too busy to be operating below my optimal level. Which is why I hate school right now.

My friends and I mostly feel disenchanted about university. We all slaved away in high-school and frankly I think we're all still burnt out. We grew up in a culture of high achievement where fighting for credit like appellate lawyers is the norm. We're still recovering and returning to normalcy I think.

So it's hard to motivate myself to put academics above my health at the moment. All I feel like doing is eating saltines with peanut butter and raisins (don't judge), drinking tea and falling asleep. The effort required to be at the clinic by 8:30 nearly killed me, then I waited for three hours to be seen. That's a lot to ask of a sick person if you ask me, and I feel entitled to recuperate as any animal would.

But I can't deny that a little pit in my stomach is compelling me to begrudgingly turn to my work. It's going to be a long night...

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